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About Us

Get to know our history

In the year 1950, Jose Maria Suárez landed in Buenos Aires accompanied by his wife, Camem Cacheiro de Suárez, and the two young sons Ramon and Manuel Suárez.
The family came from Spain, more precisely from the region of Galicia, cherishing the dream of a better life on the other side of the Atlantic.

In the capital of Argentina, Jose Maria worked in a tannery while the children studied. But when the entrepreneurial spirit began to speak louder, the Suarez family again packed their bags. Although this time the journey did not cross an ocean, it would be necessary to become familiar with another language.

In 1967, the family arrived in Porto Alegre, with the expectation of working in Curtume. Skilled in tannery, father and children saw a better opportunity in 1970, moving to Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, where they opened their own company.

Attentive to the intense movement of the footwear shoe sector, which at that time attracted merchants from all over the world, they glimpsed a new opportunity in the lack of hotels.

In 1981, the Hotel Executive opened in the city center of Novo Hamburgo. The venture was a success, which proved the observation made by Suárez when they decided to invest in the hotel sector.

Already in 1985, after the inauguration of the second hotel, in the city of Campo Bom, the family decided to separate the businesses. It was up to Manuel Suárez to take care of the hotels, while his brother Ramon continued with the tanning.

Manuel took on the challenge of developing Hotelaria in RS and began to write the history of Suárez Hotels, whose most recent pages you check here on our website, visiting all our hotels.

Hotels Suárez – Site Central, Hotels Express, Hotel Metropolitan and Hotels Suárez